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Generation and primary characterization of iAM-1, a versatile new line of conditionally immortalized atrial myocytes with preserved cardiomyogenic differentiation capacity
Generation and primary characterization of iAM-1, a versatile new line of conditionally immortalized atrial myocytes with preserved cardiomyogenic differentiation capacity
Optogenetically induced regional oxidative stress increases pro-arrhythmic risk
Optogenetic manipulation of anatomical re-entry by light-guided generation of a reversible local conduction block
Microfoci of oxidative stress increase pro-arrhythmic risk as revealed by patterned illumination of optogenetically engineered myocardial cultures
Optogenetic termination of ventricular tachyarrhythmias in fibrotic myocardial cultures
A Mathematical Model of Neonatal Rat Atrial Monolayers with Constitutively Active Acetylcholine-Mediated K+ Current
Forced fusion of human ventricular scar cells with cardiomyocytes suppresses arrhythmogenicity in a co-culture model
Creating new trans-species types of myocytes by forced fusion between cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts to counteract arrhythmias: breaking boundaries with muscular mixtures
Light-induced termination of spiral wave arrhythmias by optogenetic engineering of atrial cardiomyocytes
Heterocellular fusion of human ventricular scar cells with neonatal rat cardiomyocytes ameliorates pro-arrhythmia through APD shortening and MDP lowering by enhanced outward potassium current