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The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
Spectral analysis of spatially resolved 3C295 (sub-arcsecond resolution) with the International LOFAR Telescope
Sub-arcsecond imaging with the International LOFAR Telescope
High-resolution international LOFAR observations of 4C 43.15
Deep sub-arcsecond wide-field imaging of the Lockman Hole field at 144 MHz
Unmasking the history of 3C 293 with LOFAR sub-arcsecond imaging
Unmasking the history of 3C 293 with LOFAR sub-arcsecond imaging
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. II. First data release
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. III. First data release: Optical/infrared identifications and value-added catalogue
Reducing biases on H0 measurements using strong lensing and galaxy dynamics: results from the EAGLE simulation
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. I. Survey description and preliminary data release
LBCS: The LOFAR Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey
LOFAR VLBI studies at 55 MHz of 4C 43.15, a z = 2.4 radio galaxy
Subarcsecond international LOFAR radio images of Arp 220 at 150 MHz. A kpc-scale star forming disk surrounding nuclei with shocked outflows
LBCS: The LOFAR Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey
LOFAR 150-MHz observations of the Boötes field: catalogue and source counts
LBCS: The LOFAR Long-Baseline Calibrator Survey
LOFAR VLBI studies at 55 MHz of 4C 43.15, a z = 2.4 radio galaxy
Subarcsecond international LOFAR radio images of the M82 nucleus at 118 MHz and 154 MHz
The LOFAR Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS). I. Survey description and first results
