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(41 - 60 of 122)


The nature of the low-frequency emission of M 51. First observations of a nearby galaxy with LOFAR
Variation in the dust emissivity index across M 33 with Herschel and Spitzer (HerM 33es)
Millimeter dust emission compared with other mass estimates in N11 molecular clouds in the LMC
Gas and dust cooling along the major axis of M 33 (HerM33es). ISO/LWS [C ii] observations
Dense gas in M 33 (HerM33es)
Spectral energy distributions of H ii regions in M 33 (HerM33es)
Millimeter dust emission compared with other mass estimates in N11 molecular clouds in the LMC
Sterrenstelsels in ruimte en tijd
Resolving the innermost parsec of Centaurus A at midinfrared wavelengths
CI and CO in the center of M 51
Photon dominated regions in the spiral arms of M 83 and M 51
Molecular gas in compact galaxies
A submillimeter exponential disk in M 51: Evidence for an extended cold dust disk
Results of the ESO-SEST Key Programme on CO  in the Magellanic Clouds. IX. The giant LMC HII region complex N 11
Results of the ESO-SEST Key Programme on CO in the Magellanic Clouds. X. CO emission from star formation regions in LMC and SMC
CI and CO in the nearby spiral galaxies IC 342 and Maffei 2
The peculiar nebula Simeis 57. I. Ionized gas and dust extinction
Dust and molecules in the Local Group galaxy NGC 6822. III. The first-ranked HII region complex Hubble V
Neutral hydrogen in dwarf galaxies. I. The spatial distribution of HI
(Sub)millimetre emission from NGC 1569: An abundance of very small grains}
