Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Unveiling the nature of infrared bright, optically dark galaxies with early JWST data
UV luminosity density results at z > 8 from the first JWST/NIRCam fields
New far-UV imaging (WFC3/F225W) on Hubble Frontier Fields
z ~ 2-9 galaxies magnified by the Hubble Frontier Field clusters
z ~ 2-9 galaxies magnified by the Hubble Frontier Field clusters
Two remarkably luminous galaxy candidates at z ~ 10-12 revealed by JWST
New determinations of the UV luminosity functions from z 9 to 2 show a remarkable consistency with halo growth and a constant star formation efficiency
The Hubble Legacy Field GOODS-S Photometric Catalog
The 3D-HST Survey: Hubble Space Telescope WFC3/G141 Grism Spectra, Redshifts, and Emission Line Measurements for ~100,000 Galaxies
The Sizes of Candidate z~9-10 Galaxies: Confirmation of the Bright CANDELS Sample and Relation with Luminosity and Mass.
The Spectral Energy Distributions of z ~ 8 Galaxies from the IRAC Ultra Deep Fields: Emission Lines, Stellar Masses, and Specific Star Formation Rates at 650 Myr
A Tentative Detection of an Emission Line at 1.6 μm for the z ~ 12 Candidate UDFj-39546284
The Stellar Mass Structure of Massive Galaxies from z = 0 to z = 2.5: Surface Density Profiles and Half-mass Radii
Probing the Dawn of Galaxies at z ~{} 9-12: New Constraints from HUDF12/XDF and CANDELS data
Probing the Dawn of Galaxies at z ~{} 9-12: New Constraints from HUDF12/XDF and CANDELS data
SEDS: The Spitzer Extended Deep Survey. Survey Design, Photometry, and Deep IRAC Source Counts
The Stellar Mass Structure of Massive Galaxies from z = 0 to z = 2.5: Surface Density Profiles and Half-mass Radii
An Advanced Camera for HST
The ordered nature of elliptical galaxies - Implications for their intrinsic angular momenta and shapes
Multicolor surface photometry of 17 ellipticals
