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Seeing the forest and the trees
The best of both worlds
The best of both worlds
The BLUEDISK Survey: molecular gas distribution and scaling relations in the context of galaxy evolution
The detection of circulating human papillomavirus-specific T cells is associated with improved survival of patients with deeply infiltrating tumors
Influenza matrix 1-specific human CD4(+) FOXP3(+) and FOXP3(-) regulatory T cells can be detected long after viral clearance
Success or failure of vaccination for HPV16-positive vulvar lesions correlates with kinetics and phenotype of induced T-cell responses
An Unexpectedly Large Polyclonal Repertoire of HPV-Specific T Cells Is Poised for Action in Patients with Cervical Cancer
The effects of interactions on spiral galaxies. III - A radio continuum survey of galactic nuclei at 1.49 GHz
Circumnuclear star formation in the central region of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1097
The effects of interactions on spiral galaxies. II - Disk star-formation rates
A survey of the neutral atomic hydrogen in M33
A high resolution H I absorption spectrum of SGR A(asterisk)
Associations between neutral and ionized gas in SGR A
VLA synthesis of H I absorption toward SGR A