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(1 - 13 of 13)
New type of brightness variations of the colliding wind  WO4 + O5((f)) binary WR 30a
On the variability of the visual binary WR86. WC7 with a β-Cephei companion.
The enigmatic WR46: A binary or a pulsator in disguise. III. Interpretation
The enigmatic WR46: A binary or a pulsator in disguise. I. The photometry
The enigmatic WR46: A binary or a pulsator in disguise. II. The spectroscopy
A second dust episode of the Wolf-Rayet system WR 19: another long-period WC+O colliding-wind binary
WR 121 obscured by a dust cloud: the key to understanding occasional 'eclipses' of 'dusty' Wolf-Rayet WC stars?
Short time scale light variations of the three Wolf-Rayet stars WR 46 (WN 3p), WR 50 (WC 6) and WR 86 (WC 7)
Photometric evidence for sudden emission line strength variations in the WN 5 star HD 50896
Stromgren photometry of the variable Wolf-Rayet star HD 86161 = WR 16
Short-timescale light variations of the Wolf-Rayet stars WR 46 and WR 86
A high precision photometric investigation of the micro-variations of Wolf-Rayet stars
The variability of the WC9 Wolf-Rayet star HD 164270