Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Temperature dependence of spin pumping and Gilbert damping in thin Co/Pt bilayers
A novel approach to quantify different iron forms in ex-vivo human brain tissue
Protein docking using an ensemble of spin labels optimized by intra-molecular paramagnetic relaxation enhancement
Protein docking using an ensemble of spin labels optimized by intra-molecular paramagnetic relaxation enhancement
The magnetic field dependence of cross-effect dynamic nuclear polarization under magic angle spinning
Three Long-Range Distance Constraints and an Approach Towards a Model for the α-Synuclein-Fibril Fold
Double electron−electron spin resonance tracks flavodoxin folding
Parkinson’s Protein α-Synuclein Binds Efficiently and with a Novel Conformation to Two Natural Membrane Mimics
The Complex of Cytochrome f and Plastocyanin from Nostoc sp. PCC 7119 is Highly Dynamic
Novel approaches for distance determination by EPR
Spin dynamics in a superconductor-ferromagnet proximity system
Observer-selective double electron-electron-spin resonance, a pulse sequence to improve orientation selection
The electronic structure of the two copper sites in nitrite reductase by 9 and 95 GHz EPR on cavity mutants
Distance between a native cofactor and a spin label in the reaction centre of Rhodobacter sphaeroides by a two-frequency pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance method and molecular dynamics simulation
Spin-density distribution in the copper site of azurin
The substrate-bound type 2 copper site of nitrite reductase
Measurememt of a Cu-Cu distance of 26 a by a pulsed EPR method
Kinetic stability of the peroxidase activitity of unfoled cytochrome c
Reconstitution of the type-1 active site of the H145G/A variants of Nitrite Reductase by ligand insertion
Single-crystal EPR study at 95 GHz of the type 2 copper site of the inhibitor-bound querceting 2,3-dioxygenase
