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Patient Blood Management in Elective Total Hip-and Knee-replacement Surgery ( Part 2)
Patient Blood Management in Elective Total Hip-and Knee-replacement Surgery ( Part 1)
Influence of Low Back Pain and Prognostic Value of MRI in Sciatica Patients in Relation to Back Pain
Back pain's association with vertebral end-plate signal changes in sciatica
Cost-Effectiveness of Cranberry Capsules to Prevent Urinary Tract Infection in Long-Term Care Facilities: Economic Evaluation with a Randomized Controlled Trial
Effectiveness of Cranberry Capsules to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections in Vulnerable Older Persons: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial in Long-Term Care Facilities
Predictive value of MRI in decision making for disc surgery for sciatica
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Interpretation in Patients with Sciatica Who Are Potential Candidates for Lumbar Disc Surgery
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Follow-up Assessment of Sciatica
Societal preferences for standard health insurance coverage in the Netherlands: a cross-sectional study
Cost of rheumatic disorders in the Netherlands
Effects of a stepped-care intervention programme among older subjects who screened positive for depressive symptoms in general practice: the PROMODE randomised controlled trial
Designing an implementation strategy to improve interprofessional shared decision making in sciatica: study protocol of the DISC study
Effects of a stepped-care intervention programme among older subjects who screened positive for depressive symptoms in general practice: the PROMODE randomised controlled trial
Designing an implementation strategy to improve interprofessional shared decision making in sciatica: study protocol of the DISC study
Cost-Effectiveness of Internet-Based Self-Management Compared with Usual Care in Asthma
Tubular Diskectomy vs Conventional Microdiskectomy for the Treatment of Lumbar Disk-Related Sciatica: Cost Utility Analysis Alongside a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial
Yield and costs of direct and stepped screening for depressive symptoms in subjects aged 75 years and over in general practice
Calcitonin and carcinoembryonic antigen doubling times as prognostic factors in medullary thyroid carcinoma: a structured meta-analysis
The value of productivity: human-capital versus friction-cost method
