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Copy number variants in patients with short stature
Overlapping microdeletions involving 15q22.2 narrow the critical region for intellectual disability to NARG2 and RORA
European Non-Invasive Trisomy Evaluation (EU-NITE) study: a multicenter prospective cohort study for non-invasive fetal trisomy 21 testing
Mosaic segmental uniparental isodisomy and progressive clonal selection: a common mechanism of late onset beta-thalassemia major
Successful Noninvasive Trisomy 18 Detection Using Single Molecule Sequencing
Mosaic segmental uniparental isodisomy and progressive clonal selection: a common mechanism of late onset β-thalassemia major
Single Molecule Sequencing of Free DNA from Maternal Plasma for Noninvasive Trisomy 21 Detection
Economic evaluation of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification and karyotyping in prenatal diagnosis: a cost-minimization analysis
The Jumping SHOX Gene-Crossover in the Pseudoautosomal Region Resulting in Unusual Inheritance of Leri-Weill Dyschondrosteosis
The Jumping SHOX Gene--Crossover in the Pseudoautosomal Region Resulting in Unusual Inheritance of Leri-Weill Dyschondrosteosis
