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Increased mortality and vascular phenotype in a knock-in mouse model of retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukoencephalopathy and systemic manifestations
Individual in vivo Profiles of Microglia Polarization After Stroke, Represented by the Genes iNOS and Ym1
The in vivo timeline of differentiation of engrafted human neural progenitor cells
Cortical tissue loss and major structural reorganization as result of distal middle cerebral artery occlusion in the chronic phase of nude mice
Persistent Quantitative Vitality of Stem Cell Graft Is Necessary for Stabilization of Functional Brain Networks After Stroke
Functional networks are impaired by elevated tau-protein but reversible in a regulatable Alzheimer's disease mouse model
Imaging Reporter Strategy to Monitor Gene Activation of Microglia Polarisation States under Stimulation
Targeted intracerebral delivery of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL13 promotes alternative activation of both microglia and macrophages after stroke
Initial graft size and not the innate immune response limit survival of engrafted neural stem cells
Sensorimotor Functional and Structural Networks after Intracerebral Stem Cell Grafts in the Ischemic Mouse Brain
Neurobiological insights from bioluminescence imaging
MRI Mouse Brain Data of Ischemic Lesion after Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion
Neurogenesis upregulation on the healthy hemisphere after stroke enhances compensation for age-dependent decrease of basal neurogenesis
Automated Ischemic Lesion Segmentation in MRI Mouse Brain Data after Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion
MiRNA-124 induces neuroprotection and functional improvement after focal cerebral ischemia
Funnel-freezing versus heat-stabilization for the visualization of metabolites by mass spectrometry imaging in a mouse stroke model
In Vivo Non-Invasive Tracking of Macrophage Recruitment to Experimental Stroke
Targeted nanoparticles for the non-invasive detection of traumatic brain injury by optical imaging and fluorine magnetic resonance imaging
Morphological maturation of the mouse brain: An in vivo MRI and histology investigation
Necrosis avid near infrared fluorescent cyanines for imaging cell death and their use to monitor therapeutic efficacy in mouse tumor models
