Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Proper motions, mean parallaxes and space velocities of RR Lyrae variables
Internal motions and density distribution in a globular cluster
Structure and dynamics of Messier 3
Preliminary results of measurements of flexure of the Leiden meridian telescope
Vibrations observed with the Leiden meridian circle
Observations of minor planets in 1943 and 1944
Observations of minor planets in 1942
On the photographic recording of circle positions
Observations of minor planets from 1941 January 31 to 1941 December 23
Determination of 293 positions of 15 minor planets in 1939
Observations of minor planets from 1940 Jan. 2 to 1941 Jan. 30 (Errata: 9 310)
Determination of 256 positions of 14 minor planets in 1938 (Errata: 10 146)
On the Leiden observations of the right ascension of Polaris (Errata: 9 448)
Note on G. C. 17919, a probable member of the Ursa Major cluster
Positions of minor planets observed with the meridian circle
Proper motions of stars in the region of the Hyades
Positions of minor planets observed with the meridian circle
