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COVID-box experiences of patients and health care professionals (COVID-box project)
COVID-box experiences of patients and health care professionals (COVID-box project)
COVID-box experiences of patients and health care professionals (COVID-box project)
Home monitoring reduced short stay admissions in suspected COVID-19 patients: COVID-box project
Palliative care needs of advanced cancer patients in the emergency department at the end of life: an observational cohort study
Surprise Question and Performance Status Indicate Urgency of Palliative Care Needs in Patients with Advanced Cancer at the Emergency Department: An Observational Cohort Study
End-of-Life Trajectories of Patients With Hematological Malignancies and Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Visiting the Emergency Department: The Need for a Proactive Integrated Care Approach
An observational study on survival rates of patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the Netherlands after improving the 'chain of survival'
Vital signs and impaired cognition in older emergency department patients: the APOP study
Impaired cognition is associated with adverse outcome in older patients in the Emergency Department; the Acutely Presenting Older Patients (APOP) study
The YEARS algorithm for suspected pulmonary embolism: shorter visit time and reduced costs at the emergency department
Predictors and Outcomes of Revisits in Older Adults Discharged from the Emergency Department
Early prediction of hospital admission for emergency department patients: a comparison between patients younger or older than 70 years
The YEARS algorithm for suspected pulmonary embolism leads to much shorter diagnostic turnaround time than conventional algorithms
Simplified diagnostic management of suspected pulmonary embolism (the YEARS study): a prospective, multicentre, cohort study
Predicting adverse health outcomes in older emergency department patients: the APOP study
Prediction of 90-day mortality in older patients after discharge from an emergency department: a retrospective follow-up study
Prehospital use in emergency patients of a laryngeal mask airway by ambulance paramedics is a safe and effective alternative for endotracheal intubation
High survival rate of 43% in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients in an optimised chain of survival