Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Protease-Activated Receptor (PAR)2, but Not PAR1, Is Involved in Collateral Formation and Anti-Inflammatory Monocyte Polarization in a Mouse Hind Limb Ischemia Model
Microparticle-associated tissue factor activity in plasma is unaffected by cytolytic chemotherapy treatment in metastatic testicular cancer patients
Microparticle-associated tissue factor activity in plasma is unaffected by cytolytic chemotherapy treatment in metastatic testicular cancer patients
Tissue factor isoforms and signaling receptors in (non-)hemostatic processes
Murine tissue factor coagulant activity is critically dependent on the presence of an intact allosteric disulfide
Murine tissue factor coagulant activity is critically dependent on the presence of an intact allosteric disulfide
Evolutionary conservation of the tissue factor disulfide bonds and identification of a possible oxidoreductase binding motif
Evolutionary Conservation of the Tissue Factor Disulfide Bonds and Identification of a Possible Oxidoreductase Binding Motif
Complete abolishment of coagulant activity in monomeric disulfide-deficient tissue factor
PAR-2, but not PAR-1, is critically involved in collateral formation in a mouse hind limb ischemia model