Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Contaminant curiosity and pollutant puzzles
Stoichiometric ratios for biotics and xenobiotics capture effective metabolic coupling to re(de)fine biodegradation
Delineation of the exposure-response causality chain of chronic copper toxicity to the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, with a TK-TD model based on concepts of biotic ligand model and subcellular metal partitioning model
Development of a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model simulating chronic copper toxicity to the Zebra mussel based on subcellular fractionation
Modelling chronic toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics of copper in mussels considering ionoregulatory homeostasis and oxidative stress
A universal free energy relationship for both hard and soft radical addition in water
Modelling copper toxicokinetics in the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, under chronic exposures at various pH and sodium concentrations
Thermochemical unification of molecular descriptors to predict radical hydrogen abstraction with low computational cost
Transition-state rate theory sheds light on ‘black-box’ biodegradation algorithms
Disentanglement of the chemical, physical, and biological processes aids the development of quantitative structure-biodegradation relationships for aerobic wastewater treatment
A model sensitivity analysis to determine the most important physicochemical properties driving environmental fate and exposure of engineered nanoparticles
Quantitative structure-activity relationships for green algae growth inhibition by polymer particles
Developing and testing a global-scale regression model to quantify mean annual streamflow