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A search to the target tissue in which RA-specific inflammation starts: a detailed MRI study to improve identification of RA-specific features in the phase of clinically suspect arthralgia
How thorough clinical observational studies on rheumatoid arthritis can have an impact on the field
Difficulties making a fist in clinically suspect arthralgia: an easy applicable phenomenon predictive for RA that is related to flexor tenosynovitis
Automatic quantification of tenosynovitis on MRI of the wrist in patients with early arthritis: a feasibility study
Automatic quantification of bone marrow edema on MRI of the wrist in patients with early arthritis: A feasibility study (vol 79, pg 1127, 2018)
Screening for two or three autoantibodies in persons at risk for RA: implications of current data for clinical practice
ACPA-negative RA consists of subgroups: patients with high likelihood of achieving sustained DMARD-free remission can be identified by serological markers at disease presentation
Identifying MRI-detected inflammatory features specific for rheumatoid arthritis: two-fold feature reduction maintains predictive accuracy in clinically suspect arthralgia patients
What is the additional value of MRI of the foot to the hand in undifferentiated arthritis to predict rheumatoid arthritis development?
Do musculoskeletal ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging identify synovitis and tenosynovitis at the same joints and tendons? A comparative study in early inflammatory arthritis and clinically suspect arthralgia
What is the additional value of MRI of the foot to the hand in undifferentiated arthritis to predict rheumatoid arthritis development?
Is joint pain in patients with arthralgia suspicious for progression to rheumatoid arthritis explained by subclinical inflammation? A cross-sectional MRI study
Evaluation of the predictive accuracy of MRI-detected erosions in hand and foot joints in patients with undifferentiated arthritis
Imaging detected tenosynovitis of metacarpophalangeal and wrist joints: an increasingly recognised characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis
To what extent do autoantibodies help to identify high-risk patients in systemic sclerosis?
Anti-Carbamylated Protein Antibodies and Higher Baseline Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis-A Replication Study in Three Cohorts: Comment on the Article by Truchetet et al
Triple Positivity for Anti-Citrullinated Protein Autoantibodies, Rheumatoid Factor, and Anti-Carbamylated Protein Antibodies Conferring High Specificity for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Implications for Very Early Identification of At-Risk Individuals
Sequence of joint tissue inflammation during rheumatoid arthritis development
What is the value of musculoskeletal ultrasound in patients presenting with arthralgia to predict inflammatory arthritis development? A systematic literature review
