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Clinical and patient-reported trajectories at end-of-life in older patients with advanced CKD
Predicting kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, and death in advanced CKD patients
Reply to 'Depression and clinical outcomes in CKD: do anti-depressants play a role? (EQUAL Study)'
Converting from face-to-face to postal follow-up and its effects on participant retention, response rates and errors
Association of longitudinal high-sensitivity troponin T with Mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease
Associations between depressive symptoms and disease progression in older patients with chronic kidney disease
Association Between Renal Function and Troponin T Over Time in Stable Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Uraemic symptom burden and clinical condition in women and men of >= 65years of age with advanced chronic kidney disease: results from the EQUAL study
Clinical Practice Guideline on management of patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease stage 3b or higher (eGFR < 45 mL/min)
Nonthyroidal illness: a risk factor for coronary calcification and arterial stiffness in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis?
European guidelines on when to start dialysis: check the facts first before commenting
Baseline Levels and Trimestral Variation of Triiodothyronine and Thyroxine and Their Association with Mortality in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients
When to start dialysis: updated guidance following publication of the Initiating Dialysis Early and Late (IDEAL) study
Trimestral variations of C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha are similarly associated with survival in haemodialysis patients
Variations in C-reactive protein during a single haemodialysis session do not associate with mortality