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Recognition of pseudoinvasion in colorectal adenoma using spatial glycomics
Identifying lipid traces of atherogenic mechanisms in human carotid plaque
Mfsd2a-mediated lysolipid transport is important for renal recovery after acute kidney injury
Phosphatidylinositol metabolism of the renal proximal tubule S3 segment is disturbed in response to diabetes
Analysis of Immunogenic Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose-Containing N-Glycans in beef, mutton, and pork tenderloin by Combining Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-mass spectroscopy and capillary electrophoresis hyphenated with mass spectrometry via
Quantitative multiple fragment monitoring with enhanced in-source fragmentation/annotation mass spectrometry
Spatial dynamic metabolomics identifies metabolic cell fate trajectories in human kidney differentiation
Analyzing cell-type-specific dynamics of metabolism in kidney repair
High-throughput glycomic methods
High-Mannose N-Glycans as Malignant Progression Markers in Early-Stage Colorectal Cancer
The metabolic landscape in chronic rotator cuff tear reveals tissue-region-specific signatures
Proteomic analysis identifies FNDC1, A1BG, and antigen processing proteins associated with tumor heterogeneity and malignancy in a canine model of breast cancer
Spatial distribution of isobaric androgens in target tissues using chemical derivatization and MALDI-2 on a trapped ion mobility quadrupole time-of-flight instrument
Protein Mannosylation as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker of Lupus Nephritis: An Unusual Glycan Neoepitope in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
N-glycomic signature of stage II colorectal cancer and its association with the tumor microenvironment
Lipid signature of advanced human carotid atherosclerosis assessed by mass spectrometry imaging
MALDI-2 for the enhanced analysis of N-linked glycans by mass spectrometry imaging
Disturbed brain ether lipid metabolism and histology in Sjogren-Larsson syndrome
MALDI-2 on a trapped ion mobility quadrupole time-of-flight instrument for rapid mass spectrometry imaging and ion mobility separation of complex lipid profiles
