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V-LoTSS: The circularly polarised LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
LOFAR deep fields
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey
Searching for pulsars associated with polarised point sources using LOFAR
Filamentary structures of ionized gas in Cygnus X
The Galactic Faraday rotation sky 2020
Faraday tomography of LoTSS-DR2 data
Evidence for cold plasma in planetary nebulae from radio observations with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR)
The LOFAR LBA sky survey
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. II. First data release
The intergalactic magnetic field probed by a giant radio galaxy
A low-frequency view of mixed-morphology supernova remnant VRO 42.05.01, and its neighbourhood
The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. I. Survey description and preliminary data release
A plethora of diffuse steep spectrum radio sources in Abell 2034 revealed by LOFAR
LOFAR 150-MHz observations of the Boötes field: catalogue and source counts
Subarcsecond international LOFAR radio images of the M82 nucleus at 118 MHz and 154 MHz
Structure in the polarized Galactic synchrotron emission,  in particular ``depolarization canals''
Properties of the warm magnetized ISM, as inferred from WSRT polarimetric imaging
Canals beyond Mars: Beam depolarization in radio continuum maps of the warm ISM
