Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Consistent cosmic shear in the face of systematics: a B-mode analysis of KiDS-450, DES-SV and CFHTLenS
Cosmological simulations for combined-probe analyses: covariance and neighbour-exclusion bias
The BAHAMAS project: the CMB-large-scale structure tension and the roles of massive neutrinos and galaxy formation
2dFLenS and KiDS: determining source redshift distributions with cross-correlations
CFHTLenS revisited: assessing concordance with Planck including astrophysical systematics
The 2-degree Field Lensing Survey: design and clustering measurements
RCSLenS: a new estimator for large-scale galaxy-matter correlations
The 2-degree Field Lensing Survey: design and clustering measurements
RCSLenS: testing gravitational physics through the cross-correlation of weak lensing and large-scale structure
CFHTLenS: the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey