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ALMA and NACO observations towards the young exoring transit system J1407 (V1400 Cen)
The ALMA early science view of FUor/EXor objects - IV. Misaligned outflows in the complex star-forming environment of V1647 Ori and McNeil's Nebula
The ALMA early science view of FUor/EXor objects - V. Continuum disc masses and sizes
The ALMA early science view of FUor/EXor objects - I. Through the looking-glass of V2775 Ori
Imaging the water snow-line during a protostellar outburst
Gas Inside the 97 AU Cavity around the Transition Disk Sz 91
ALMA detection of the rotating molecular disk wind from the young star HD 163296
ALMA imaging of the CO snowline of the HD 163296 disk with DCO
Unveiling the gas-and-dust disk structure in HD 163296 using ALMA observations