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Evolution in the orbital structure of quiescent galaxies from MAGPI, LEGA-C, and SAMI surveys
Different higher order kinematics between star-forming and quiescent galaxies based on the SAMI, MAGPI, and LEGA-C surveys
Connecting CO-to-H2 conversion factors to molecular gas properties in nearby barred galaxy centers
Molecular gas properties and CO-to-H2 conversion factors in the central kiloparsec of NGC 3351
Probing star formation and ISM properties using galaxy disk inclination
Ultrafaint [C II] emission in a redshift = 2 gravitationally lensed metal-poor dwarf galaxy
PHANGS-ALMA data processing and pipeline
ALMA observations and multi-line modeling of the galaxy center of NGC 3351
The SAMI galaxy survey
ALMA reveals the molecular gas properties of five star-forming galaxies across the main sequence at 3 < z < 3.5
The VLA-COSMOS 3 GHz large project: evolution of specific star formation rates out to z ~ 5
[C I](10) and [C I](21) in Resolved Local Galaxies
The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Data Release Two with absorption-line physics value-added products
The Origins of [C II] Emission in Local Star-forming Galaxies
The Origin of [C II] 157 μm Emission in a Five-component Interstellar Medium: The Case of NGC 3184 and NGC 628
The Spatially Resolved [CII] Cooling Line Deficit in Galaxies
Being WISE II: Reducing the Influence of Star formation History on the Mass-to-Light Ratio of Quiescent Galaxies
The Ionized Gas in Nearby Galaxies as Traced by the [N II] 122 and 205 μm Transitions
The Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G): Precise Stellar Mass Distributions from Automated Dust Correction at 3.6 μm
Toward a Removal of Temperature Dependencies from Abundance Determinations: NGC 628
