Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Forty years of Leiden environmental science: the history of the Leiden Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML) 1978-2018
The missing pillar: Eudemonic values in the justification of nature conservation
Motivations for committed nature conservation action in Europe
Actor-Based Design of a Management System for the Elephant Marsh Fishery in Malawi
Institutions and Ecosystem-Based Development Potentials of the Elephant Marsh, Malawi
Freely disposable time
Opportunity and Problem in Context: A framework for environmental management
Delivery of Subterranean Arsenic Removal in West Bengal
Land use modelling connecting spatially explicit data and linear programming: an exploration in Ecuador
Problem-in-context : a framework for the analysis, explanation and solution for environmental problems
Forest, people, government : a policy-oriented analysis of the social dynamics of tropical deforestation
GRASBOL: kennissysteem voor risicoanalyse bij bodemverontreiniging. Defnitiestudie en demonstratiemodel
Environment and agriculture in the Netherlands
Potenties van produktiebeleid
Using the wind in shallow lake eutrophication control
An NCS for Zambia : prepared by a Dutch student team
