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Differences in organization of care are associated with mortality, severe complication and failure to rescue in emergency colon cancer surgery
Identifying best performing hospitals in colorectal cancer care; is it possible?
Learning from best performers in colorectal cancer surgery
Surgeon perceived most important factors to achieve the best hospital performance on colorectal cancer surgery: a Dutch modified Delphi method
Do Outcomes in Elective Colon and Rectal Cancer Surgery Differ by Weekday? An Observational Study Using Data From the Dutch ColoRectal Audit
Hospital Teaching Status and Patients' Outcomes After Colon Cancer Surgery
Evaluation of a Completion Total Mesorectal Excision in Patients After Local Excision of Rectal Cancer: A Word of Caution
Weekend Effect in Emergency Colon and Rectal Cancer Surgery: A Prospective Study Using Data From the Dutch ColoRectal Audit
Level of Digitization in Dutch Hospitals and the Lengths of Stay of Patients with Colorectal Cancer