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Circulating Angiogenic Mediators in Patients with Moderate and Severe von Willebrand Disease: A Multicentre Cross-Sectional Study
Angiogenic characteristics of blood outgrowth endothelial cells from patients with von Willebrand disease
On the miscellaneous aspects of von Willebrand factor
No evidence for a direct effect of von Willebrand factor's ABH blood group antigens on von Willebrand factor clearance
Storage and secretion of naturally occurring von Willebrand factor A domain variants
Biogenesis of Weibel-Palade bodies in von Willebrand's disease variants with impaired von Willebrand factor intrachain or interchain disulfide bond formation
Biogenesis of Weibel-Palade bodies in von Willebrand disease variants with impaired von Willebrand factor intrachain or interchain disulfide bond formation