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Images of embedded Jovian planet formation at a wide separation around AB Aurigae
The JWST early release science program for the direct imaging and spectroscopy of exoplanetary systems
Resolving faint structures in the debris disk around TWA 7:  Tentative detections of an outer belt, a spiral arm, and a dusty cloud
Observations of fast-moving features in the debris disk of AU Mic on a three-year timescale: Confirmation and new discoveries
Probing Stellar Accretion with Mid-infrared Hydrogen Lines
Asymmetric features in the protoplanetary disk MWC 758
Relating jet structure to photometric variability: the Herbig Ae star HD 163296
The architecture of the LkCa 15 transitional disk revealed by high-contrast imaging
ALMA Continuum Observations of a 30 Myr Old Gaseous Debris Disk around HD 21997
ALMA Observations of the Molecular Gas in the Debris Disk of the 30 Myr Old Star HD 21997
Spiral Arms in the Asymmetrically Illuminated Disk of MWC 758 and Constraints on Giant Planets
Spiral Arms in the Asymmetrically Illuminated Disk of MWC 758 and Constraints on Giant Planets
Herschel/PACS Survey of Protoplanetary Disks in Taurus/Auriga--Observations of [O I] and [C II], and Far-infrared Continuum