Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Predictions of bedaquiline central nervous system exposure in patients with tuberculosis meningitis using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling
Ensuring transparency and quality of clinical trial reporting in clinical pharmacology & therapeutics
Novel therapeutic modalities
Trends in clinical pharmacology and therapeutics
Clinical significance of therapeutic peptide and protein drug Interactions
Mush room for improving therapeutic approaches in psychiatry
QSP Designer: quantitative systems pharmacology modeling with modular biological process map notation and multiple language code generation
Evaluation of a cardiovascular systems model for design and analysis of hemodynamic safety studies
Predictions of bedaquiline and pretomanid target attainment in lung lesions of tuberculosis patients using translational minimal physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling
Diversity, equity, and inclusion
Using a network-based analysis approach to investigate the involvement of S. aureus in the pathogenesis of granulomatosis with polyangiitis
How a pandemic simultaneously strengthened existing fundamentals and drove new innovations in clinical pharmacology
Physiologically based modelling framework for prediction of pulmonary pharmacokinetics of antimicrobial target site concentrations
Toward project optimus for oncology precision medicine
Quantitative systems pharmacology modeling framework of autophagy in tuberculosis
Modelling inflammatory biomarker dynamics in a human lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge study using delay differential equations
Diversity in clinical pharmacology coming of age
Quantitative clinical pharmacology of CAR T‐cell therapy
Probability of success in drug development
Host-directed therapies for tuberculosis: quantitative systems pharmacology approaches
