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Standardizing designed and emergent quantitative features in microphysiological systems
Engineered 3D-Vessels-on-Chip to study effects of dynamic fluid flow on human induced pluripotent stem cell derived endothelial cells
Multiplexed fluidic circuit board for controlled perfusion of 3D blood vessels-on-a-chip
On-chip analysis of glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration in human induced pluripotent stem cells
Pressure-driven perfusion system to control, multiplex, and recirculate cell culture medium for organs-on-chips
Rapid prototyping of organ-on-a-chip devices using maskless photolithography
Multiplexed blood-brain barrier organ-on-chip
Scalable microphysiological system to model three-dimensional blood vessels
Scalable microphysiological system to model three-dimensional blood vessels