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When will the glomerular filtration rate in former preterm neonates catch up with their term peers?
The effect of ibuprofen exposure and patient characteristics on the closure of the patent Ductus Arteriosus in preterm infants
Kinetics of myelin breakdown products
Kinetics of myelin breakdown products
Midazolam infusion and disease severity affect the level of sedation in children
Quantifying the pharmacodynamics of morphine in the treatment of postoperative pain in preverbal children
Towards evidence-based weaning
Dosing recommendations for vancomycin in children and adolescents with varying levels of obesity and renal dysfunction
Postoperative breakthrough pain in paediatric cardiac surgery not reduced by increased morphine concentrations
Novel pharmacometric techniques to quantify the pharmacodynamics of analgesics: Tools of the trade
Predicting unacceptable pain in cardiac surgery patients receiving morphine maintenance and rescue doses: a model-based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic analysis
Sedation with midazolam after cardiac surgery in children with and without Down syndrome: a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic study
Exploring the relationship between morphine concentration and oversedation in children after cardiac surgery
The effect of food and formulation on the population pharmacokinetics of cholesteryl ester transferase protein inhibitor DRL-17822 in healthy male volunteers
Exploring the Relationship Between Morphine Concentration and Oversedation in Children After Cardiac Surgery
Beyond the randomized clinical trial: innovative data science to close the pediatric evidence gap
Population pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in obesity: finding the optimal dose for (morbidly) obese individuals
Supervised Multidimensional Item Response Theory Modeling of Pediatric Iatrogenic Withdrawal Symptoms
A Prospective Clinical Study Characterizing the Influence of Morbid Obesity on the Pharmacokinetics of Gentamicin: Towards Individualized Dosing in Obese Patients
Covariates in Pharmacometric Repeated Time-to-Event Models: Old and New (Pre)Selection Tools
