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The pains and gains of imprisonment
Individual and environmental contributors to psychological distress during imprisonment
Normalisation by default and normalisation by design
Selective rule enforcement on prison units and individual misconduct
Professional support and re-entry preparedness among prisoners
What is ethical prison architecture?
The effects of reward systems in prison
How do Visit Facilitation and Accessibility of Prisons Relate to Visits from Professionals and Volunteers?
Ethical Prison Architecture
Lost in translation
Is Cell Sharing Associated with Wellbeing, Misconduct and Prison Climate?
Do Prisoners With Reintegration Needs Receive Relevant Professional Assistance?
Meerpersoonscelgebruik in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen
Het financieel tekort van de Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen als kans voor werkzamere gevangenisstraffen
Het contact tussen gedetineerden en interne en externe re-integratieprofessionals in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen
Slachtofferschap en slachtoffer-daderschap in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen
Climate consensus: A multilevel study testing assumptions about prison climate
A New Instrument to Measure Prison Climate: The Psychometric Quality of the Prison Climate Questionnaire
Unhappy staff, unhappy prisoners? The relation between work climate and prison climate in Dutch prisons
Examining Prisoner Misconduct: A Multilevel Test Using Personal Characteristics, Prison Climate, and Prison Environment
