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House, bells and bliss? A longitudinal analysis of conventional aspirations and the process of desistance
The use of risk assessment in sentencing
Het leefklimaat in Nederlandse penitentiaire inrichtingen: de Life In Custody-studie
Bearing the weight of imprisonment: The relationship between prison climate and well-being
Managing Risk or Supporting Desistance? A Longitudinal Study on the Nature and Perceptions of Parole Supervision in the Netherlands
The Life in Custody Study: The quality of prison life in Dutch prison regimes
Zelfredzaamheid in detentie: Kritische kanttekeningen bij het systeem van promoveren en degraderen
Visie op resocialisatie?
An ecological analysis of prison overcrowding and suicide rates in England and Wales, 2000-2014
De eigen bijdrage aan de kosten van het strafproces en de slachtofferzorg
‘Just’ punishment? Offenders’ views on the meaning and severity of punishment
Making sense of imprisonment: Narratives of posttraumatic growth among female prisoners
Doing well or just doing time? A qualitative study of patterns of psychological adjustment in prison
The role of hope in preparation for release from prison
