Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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KiDS-1000: Constraints on the intrinsic alignment of luminous red galaxies
The halo model as a versatile tool to predict intrinsic alignments
Tightening weak lensing constraints on the ellipticity of galaxy-scale dark matter haloes
Halo shapes constrained from a pure sample of central galaxies in KiDS-1000
The alignment of galaxies across all scales
GAMA+KiDS: Alignment of galaxies in galaxy groups and its dependence on galaxy scale
Luminous red galaxies in the Kilo-Degree Survey: selection with broad-band photometry and weak lensing measurements
Consistent cosmic shear in the face of systematics: a B-mode analysis of KiDS-450, DES-SV and CFHTLenS
The dependence of intrinsic alignment of galaxies on wavelength using KiDS and GAMA
KiDS+GAMA: Intrinsic alignment model constraints for current and future weak lensing cosmology
Photometric redshifts for the Kilo-Degree Survey: Machine-learning analysis with artificial neural networks
Automated analysis of neuronal morphology, synapse number and synaptic recruitment (vol 195, pg 185, 2011)
Automated analysis of neuronal morphology, synapse number and synaptic recruitment