Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Mimicking fat grafting of fibrotic scars using 3D-organotypic skin cultures
Mimicking fat grafting of fibrotic scars using 3D-organotypic skin cultures
External validation of the Skin and UV Neoplasia Transplant Risk Assessment Calculator (SUNTRAC) in a large European solid organ transplant recipient cohort
Prostaglandin E2, Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha, and Pro-opiomelanocortin Genes as Potential Mediators of Cancer Pain in Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Organ Transplant Recipients
Dermoscopy of glomus tumor: More white than pink
SCC metastases in organ transplant recipients: a kidney transplant cohort and a review of the literature
Our experience with a new home ultraviolet-hardening device in patients with polymorphic light eruption