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Antibiotic prophylaxis for acute cholecystectomy
A systematic review and meta-analysis of disease severity and risk of recurrence in young versus elderly patients with left-sided acute diverticulitis
International evaluation of circumferential resection margins after rectal cancer resection: insights from the Swedish and Dutch audits
Influence of Conversion and Anastomotic Leakage on Survival in Rectal Cancer Surgery; Retrospective Cross-sectional Study
Meta-analysis of the role of colonoscopy after an episode of left-sided acute diverticulitis
Propensity score-matched analysis of oncological outcome between stent as bridge to surgery and emergency resection in patients with malignant left-sided colonic obstruction
Cross-Sectional Study on MRI Restaging After Chemoradiotherapy and Interval to Surgery in Rectal Cancer: Influence on Short- and Long-Term Outcomes
A systematic review and meta-analysis of outpatient treatment for acute diverticulitis
Benchmarking recent national practice in rectal cancer treatment with landmark randomized controlled trials
A multi-centred randomised trial of radical surgery versus adjuvant chemoradiotherapy after local excision for early rectal cancer
A multi-centred randomised trial of radical surgery versus adjuvant chemoradiotherapy after local excision for early rectal cancer
Toxicity and complications of preoperative chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer
Acute Toxicity and Post-operative Complications of Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy with Capecitabine followed by Surgery for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
Acute Toxicity and Post-operative Complications of Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy with Capecitabine followed by Surgery for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
Toxicity and complications of preoperative chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer
The ladies trial: laparoscopic peritoneal lavage or resection for purulent peritonitis(A) and Hartmann's procedure or resection with primary anastomosis for purulent or faecal peritonitis(B) in perforated diverticulitis (NTR2037)