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Goal linking and everyday worries in clinical work stress: A daily diary study
Factors associated with physical therapists' implementation of physical activity interventions in the Netherlands
The influence of life events on physical activity patterns of Dutch older adults: A life history method
Factors influencing the introduction of physical activity interventions in primary health care: A qualitative study
Measuring determinants of implementation behavior: psychometric properties of a questionnaire based on the theoretical domains framework
Discriminant content validity of a theoretical domains framework questionnaire for use in implementation research
Factors influencing the adoption, implementation, and continuation of physical activity interventions in primary health care: a Delphi study
Factors influencing the adoption, implementation, and continuation of physical activity interventions in primary health care: a Delphi study
The effectiveness of community health worker interventions in reducing cardiometabolic risk: A systematic review
Discriminant content validation of a questionnaire for implementation research based on the theoretical domains framework
Physiotherapists' physical activity intervention implementation and associated factors
Does smoke-free legislation and smoking outside bars increase feelings of stigmatization among smokers? Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey
Self-generated goals and goal process appraisals: Relationships with sociodemographic factors and well-being.
Goal frustration, coping and well-being in the context of adolescent headache: A self-regulation approach.
Daily frustration, cognitive coping and coping effecacy in adolescent headache: A daily diary study.
Adolescent goal content and pursuit: A review of the literature from the past 16 years.
