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Pro-anorexia coaches prey on individuals with eating disorders
An overview and investigation of relapse predictors in anorexia nervosa
Predictors and moderators of three online interventions for eating disorder symptoms in a randomized controlled trial
Predictors of recovery in eating disorders
Comparing the effectiveness and predictors of cognitive behavioural therapy-enhanced between patients with various eating disorder diagnoses
Cost-effectiveness of internet interventions compared with treatment as usual for people with mental disorders
The Saudi-Arabic adaptation of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ34)
Course and predictors of eating disorder symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and pandemic-related eating disorder concerns among adults with eating disorders during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
The Saudi-Arabic adaptation of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ34): Psychometrics and norms of the full version and the short version (BSQ8C)
Development and validation of an eating-related eco-concern questionnaire
Longer-term impact of COVID-19 among individuals with self-reported eating disorders in the United States, the Netherlands, and Sweden
Common genetic variation and age of onset of anorexia nervosa
Correlates of eating disorder pathology in Saudi Arabia
Correlates of eating disorder pathology in Saudi Arabia
Effectiveness of an online self-help program, expert-patient support, and their combination for eating disorders
Effectiveness of an online self‐help program, expert‐patient support, and their combination for eating disorders: Results from a randomized controlled trial
Cost-effectiveness of three internet-based interventions for eating disorders
Cost‐effectiveness of three internet‐based interventions for eating disorders
Comparing the effectiveness and predictors of cognitive behavioural therapy-enhanced between patients with various eating disorder diagnoses
