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A prospective open label 2-8 year extension of the randomised controlled ICON trial on the long-term efficacy and safety of occipital nerve stimulation in medically intractable chronic cluster headache
Vigilance and circadian function in daytime and nocturnal epilepsy compared to controls
Translating the Cluster Headache Quality of Life Questionnaire (CHQ) from English to Dutch with the TRAPD method
Skin temperature as a predictor of on-the-road driving performance in people with central disorders of hypersomnolence
Current treatment options for cluster headache
Cluster headache genomewide association study and meta-analysis identifies eight loci and implicates smoking as causal risk factor
Activated wake systems in narcolepsy type 1
Transient side shift of cluster headache attacks after unilateral greater occipital nerve injection
Applicability of the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART) in hypersomnolence
Narcolepsy risk loci outline role of T cell autoimmunity and infectious triggers in narcolepsy
Epigenetic silencing of selected hypothalamic neuropeptides in narcolepsy with cataplexy
Clinical outcome in patients with suspected inflammatory neuropsychiatric lupus treated with immunosuppression
Clinical outcome in patients with suspected inflammatory neuropsychiatric lupus treated with immunosuppression
Clinical outcome in patients with suspected inflammatory neuropsychiatric lupus treated with immunosuppression
Intra- and interindividual attack frequency variability of chronic cluster headache
High prevalence but low impact of cognitive dysfunction on quality of life in patients with lupus and neuropsychiatric Symptoms
High prevalence but low impact of cognitive dysfunction on quality of life in patients with lupus and neuropsychiatric symptoms
Warm ears, a red flag for sleepiness?
Guidelines of the International Headache Society for controlled clinical trials in cluster headache
COVID-19 vaccination-triggered cluster headache episodes with frequent attacks
