Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The balancing act of establishing a policy agenda: Conceptualizing and measuring drivers of issue prioritization within interest groups
Think tanks and strategic policy-making: the contribution of think tanks to policy advisory systems
Conceptualising the policy engagement of interest groups: Involvement, access and prominence
Uitgelezen: Lobbyen in de Wetstraat
Assessing the Composition and Diversity of the Australian Interest Group System
Denktanks in België: onbekend en onbemind?
Political Parties and Interest Organizations at the Crossroads: Perspectives on the Transformation of Political Organizations
Denktanks in België: Onbekend en onbemind?
Who's in and who's out? Explaining access to policy-makers in Belgium
The Expanding Core and Varying Degrees of Insiderness: Institutionalised Interest Group Access to Advisory Councils
No place like home? Explaining venue selection of regional offices in Brussels
Regions lobbying the European Union: Organizational Forms, Policy Portfolios and Venue Selection
Aandacht trekken of advies verstrekken? De aanwezigheid van middenveldorganisaties in adviesraad-en beeldbuispolitiek
The visible hand of the state : on the organizational development of interest groups
It's not all about the money: Explaining varying policy portfolios of regional representations in Brussels
Interest Group Politics: Change and Continuity
