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Evaluation of low-dose aspirin in the prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm labour (the APRIL study)
Change in cervical length after arrested preterm labor and risk of preterm birth
Neonatal developmental and behavioral outcomes of immediate delivery versus expectant monitoring in mild hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Association of Timing of Plasma Transfusion With Adverse Maternal Outcomes in Women With Persistent Postpartum Hemorrhage
Clinical characteristics of women captured by extending the definition of severe postpartum haemorrhage with 'refractoriness to treatment': a cohort study
Fluid resuscitation during persistent postpartum haemorrhage and maternal outcome: A nationwide cohort study
Cost-effectiveness of Diagnostic Testing Strategies Including Cervical-Length Measurement and Fibronectin Testing in Women With Symptoms of Preterm Labor EDITORIAL COMMENT
Cervical Pessary After Arrested Preterm Labor A Randomized Controlled Trial
Cost-effectiveness of diagnostic testing strategies including cervical-length measurement and fibronectin testing in women with symptoms of preterm labor
Low dose aspirin in the prevention of recurrent spontaneous preterm labour the APRIL study: a multicenter randomized placebo controlled trial
A multi-centre, non-inferiority, randomised controlled trial to compare a cervical pessary with a cervical cerclage in the prevention of preterm delivery in women with short cervical length and a history of preterm birth - PC study
Which Factors Contribute to False-Positive, False-Negative, and Invalid Results in Fetal Fibronectin Testing in Women with Symptoms of Preterm Labor?
Does amnioinfusion improve perinatal outcome in midtrimester rupture of membranes?: a randomized controlled trial (PPROMEXIL-III)
Comparison of the Actim Partus test and the fetal fibronectin test in the prediction of spontaneous preterm birth in symptomatic women undergoing cervical length measurement
Quantitative fetal fibronectin testing in combination with cervical length measurement in the prediction of spontaneous preterm delivery in symptomatic women
Effectiveness of a cervical pessary for women who did not deliver 48 h after threatened preterm labor (Assessment of perinatal outcome after specific treatment in early labor: Apostel VI trial)
Second-trimester cervical length as risk indicator for Cesarean delivery in women with twin pregnancy
Risk factors for preterm delivery: do they add to fetal fibronectin testing and cervical length measurement in the prediction of preterm delivery in symptomatic women?
Prescribing patterns of antenatal corticosteroids in women with threatened preterm labor
Risk stratification with cervical length and fetal fibronectin in women with threatened preterm labor before 34weeks and not delivering within 7days
