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Comparison of X-ray selected clusters of galaxies with SZ selected clusters
Intracluster magnetic filaments and an encounter with a radio jet
Deep low-frequency radio observations of A2256. I. The filamentary radio relic
Downstream depolarization in the Sausage Relic
Evidence for a Merger-induced Shock Wave in ZwCl 0008.8+5215 with Chandra and Suzaku
Deep Very Large Array Observations of the Merging Cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301: Continuum and Spectral Imaging
A Galaxy-scale Fountain of Cold Molecular Gas Pumped by a Black Hole
Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clusters in the 2500 Square-degree SPT-SZ Survey
SPT-GMOS: A Gemini/GMOS-South Spectroscopic Survey of Galaxy Clusters in the SPT-SZ Survey
LOFAR Facet Calibration
SPT-GMOS: A Gemini/GMOS-South Spectroscopic Survey of Galaxy Clusters in the SPT-SZ Survey
Galaxy Clusters Discovered via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the 2500-Square-Degree SPT-SZ Survey
A Measurement of Gravitational Lensing of the Cosmic Microwave Background by Galaxy Clusters Using Data from the South Pole Telescope
Complex Diffuse Radio Emission in the Merging Planck ESZ Cluster A3411
A high-sensitivity X-ray survey using the Einstein Observatory and the discrete source contribution to the extragalactic X-ray background
The X-ray, optical, and radio behavior of Scorpius X-1 - The 1971 coordinated observations