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(141 - 160 of 273)


Sex matters: estrogen and testosterone levels in male migraineurs at baseline and preceding an attack
Occipital glutamate in interictal migraine patients measured with 7T MR spectroscopy (MRS)
Integrating migraine gwas data with brain expression information for functional interpretation of migraine-associated snps
Candidate-gene association study searching for genetic factors involved in migraine chronification
Visual sensitivity in migraine: development and validation of the visual sensitivity questionnaire
The use of optogenetic stimulation for non-invasive induction of cortical spreading depression in anaesthetized and freely behaving mice
Spreading depolarization-modulating drugs and delayed cerebral ischemia in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage
Regional cerebral blood flow changes in the early phase of provoked and spontaneous migraine attacks
Plasma metabolic profiling after cortical spreading depression in a transgenic mouse model of hemiplegic migraine by capillary electrophoresis--mass spectrometry.
Shared genetic basis for migraine and ischemic stroke: A genome-wide analysis of common variants
Concomitant headache in acute ischaemic stroke: relation with ct angiography and CT perfusion characteristics
Space headache on Earth: Head-down-tilted bed rest studies simulating outer-space microgravity
Spreading depolarizations increase delayed brain injury in a rat model of subarachnoid hemorrhage
From migraine genes to mechanisms
Microfabricated solid-state ion-selective electrode probe for measuring potassium in the living rodent brain: Compatibility with DC-EEG recordings to study spreading depression
Migraine Mutations Impair Hippocampal Learning Despite Enhanced Long-Term Potentiation
Familial hemiplegic migraine type-1 mutated ca(v)2.1 calcium channels alter inhibitory and excitatory synaptic transmission in the lateral superior olive of mice
Migraine Prophylaxis, Ischemic Depolarizations, and Stroke Outcomes in Mice
Migraine pathophysiology: lessons from mouse models and human genetics
Stress hormone corticosterone enhances susceptibility to cortical spreading depression in familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 mutant mice
