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Complex structures made simple
Π-Π interactions stabilize PeptoMicelle-based formulations of Pretomanid derivatives leading to promising therapy against tuberculosis in zebrafish and mouse models
The zebrafish embryo as an in vivo model for screening nanoparticle-formulated lipophilic anti-tuberculosis compounds.
Targeting cancer chemotherapy resistance by precision medicine-driven nanoparticle-formulated cisplatin
Core cross‐linked polymeric micelles for specific iron delivery
Zebrafish embryos allow prediction of nanoparticle circulation times in mice and facilitate quantification of nanoparticle-cell interactions
Enhanced Permeability and Retention-like Extravasation of Nanoparticles from the Vasculature into Tuberculosis Granulomas in Zebrafish and Mouse Models
Zebrafish as a model system for characterization of nanoparticles against cancer