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First on-sky results of ERIS at VLT
The 3D-HST Survey: Hubble Space Telescope WFC3/G141 Grism Spectra, Redshifts, and Emission Line Measurements for ~100,000 Galaxies
Where Stars Form: Inside-out Growth and Coherent Star Formation from HST Hα Maps of 3200 Galaxies across the Main Sequence at 0.7 < z < 1.5
Spatially Resolved Dust Maps from Balmer Decrements in Galaxies at z ~ 1.4
3D-HST WFC3-selected Photometric Catalogs in the Five CANDELS/3D-HST Fields: Photometry, Photometric Redshifts, and Stellar Masses
The Assembly of Milky-Way-like Galaxies Since z ~ 2.5
The spatial extent and distribution of star formation in 3D-HST mergers at z~1.5
The Radial Distribution of Star Formation in Galaxies at z ~ 1 from the 3D-HST Survey
A CANDELS-3D-HST synergy: Resolved Star Formation Patterns at 0.7  1.5