Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Differential expression of CD49a and CD49b determines localization and function of tumor-infiltrating CD8(+) T cells
Formation and phenotypic characterization of CD49a, CD49b and CD103 expressing CD8 T cell populations in human metastatic melanoma
The minor histocompatibility antigen HA-3 arises from differential proteasome-mediated cleavage of the lymphoid blast crisis (Lbc) oncoprotein.
The HA-2 minor Histocompatibility antigen is derived from a diallelic gene encoding a novel human class I myosin protein.
The HLA-A*0101-restricted HY minor Histocompatibility antigen originates from DFFRY and contains a cysteinylated cysteine residue as identified by a novel mass spectrometric technique.
The minor Histocompatibility antigen HA-1a diallelic gene with a single amino acid polymorphism.
The HLA-A*0201-Restricted H-Y Antigen Contains a Posttranslationally Modified Cysteine That Significantly Affects T Cell Recognition.
The human H-Y: A male-specific histocompatibility antigen derived from the SMCY protein
Identification of a Graft-versus-Host Disease-associated human minor Histocompatibility antigen.