Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Does parental autonomy support mediate the relation between parent and infant executive function?
Priming attachment and diversity ideologies
Maternal color‐consciousness is related to more positive and less negative attitudes toward ethnic‐racial outgroups in children in White Dutch families
Maternal attitudes toward child interethnic relations in the Netherlands
The role of infant attention and parental sensitivity in infant cognitive development in the Netherlands and China
Navigating diversity
Cultural perspectives on parenting
What do we read to our children?
Attitudes about child maltreatment in China and the Netherlands
Ethnic Diversity in Children’s Books in the Netherlands
Dataset on maternal attitudes about child maltreatment in nine countries using a Q-sort methodology
Interethnic Prejudice Against Muslims Among White Dutch Children
The effect of still-face paradigm on infant behavior: a cross-cultural comparison between mothers and fathers.
Context matters: Maternal and paternal sensitivity to infants in four settings. Journal of Family Psychology
Is the ideal mother a sensitive mother? Beliefs about early childhood parenting in mothers across the globe
A context-dependent view on the linguistic interdependence hypothesis: Language use and SES as potential moderators
Professionals' and mothers' beliefs about maternal sensitivity across cultures: Toward effective interventions in multicultural societies