Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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(1 - 13 of 13)
Interpreting mismatches between linguistic and genetic patterns among speakers of Tanimuka (Eastern Tukanoan) and Yukuna (Arawakan)
The social lives of isolates (and small language families)
Multidisciplinary approaches to the Amazonian past
The Andean-Amazonian interface
On the polymorphemic genesis of some Proto-Quechua roots
The many Spanishes of an Andean-Amazonian crossroads
Vowel deletion in two Aymara varieties
Puquina kin terms
Getting funding and support
Proto-Quechua and Proto-Aymara agropastoral terms: Reconstruction and contact patterns.
Perspectives On The Quechua–Aymara Contact Relationship And The Lexicon And Phonology Of Pre-Proto-Aymara
Multilingualism in the Andes and Amazonia: A View from In‐between