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Development of a body dysmorphic disorder screener for DSM-5 (BDDS-5)
Predictors and moderators of three online interventions for eating disorder symptoms in a randomized controlled trial
Eye movement desensitization and processing for adolescents with major depressive disorder
Cost-effectiveness of internet interventions compared with treatment as usual for people with mental disorders
Cost-effectiveness of internet interventions compared with treatment as usual for people with mental disorders
Predictors and moderators of three online interventions for eating disorder symptoms in a randomized controlled trial
Eating disorder psychopathology dimensions based on individual co-occurrence patterns of symptoms over time
Effectiveness of an online self-help program, expert-patient support, and their combination for eating disorders
Cost-effectiveness of three internet-based interventions for eating disorders
Cost‐effectiveness of three internet‐based interventions for eating disorders
The ICEpop Capability Measure for Adults Instrument for Capabilities
The ICECAP‑A instrument for capabilities
Depressive symptoms rather than executive functioning predict group cognitive behavioural therapy outcome in binge eating disorder
Cognitive remediation therapy does not enhance treatment effect in obsessive-compulsive disorder and anorexia nervosa
A randomized controlled trial of an Internet-based intervention for eating disorders and the added value of expert-patient support: study protocol
A randomized controlled trial of an Internet-based intervention for eating disorders and the added value of expert-patient support: study protocol
Self-assessment of eating disorder recovery: Absence of eating disorder psychopathology is not essential
The influence of depressive symptoms on executive functioning in binge eating disorder: A comparison of patients and non-obese healthy controls
The influence of depressive symptoms on executive functioning in binge eating disorder: A comparison of patients and non-obese healthy controls
The influence of depressive symptoms on executive functioning in binge eating disorder: A comparison of patients and non-obese healthy controls
