Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The magnetic field in the star-forming region Cepheus A. from H_2O maser polarization observations
Further VLBA observations of SiO masers toward Mira variable stars
VLBA observations of SiO masers towards Mira variable stars
VLBI astrometry of circumstellar OH masers: Proper motions and parallaxes of four AGB stars
Circular polarization of water masers in the circumstellar envelopes of late type stars
Astrometry of the stellar image of U Her amplified by the circumstellar 22 GHz water masers
Circular polarization of circumstellar water masers around S Per
VLBI astrometry of the stellar image of U Herculis, amplified by the 1667 MHz OH maser
Stellar positions from SiO masers in the Galactic center
Interstellar scattering toward the Galactic center as probed OH/IR stars
Interstellar scattering of OH/IR stars at the Galactic Centre