Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Constraints on magnetic braking from the G8 dwarf stars 61 UMa and Tau Cet
CUTE reveals escaping metals in the upper atmosphere of the ultrahot Jupiter WASP-189b
The Colorado ultraviolet transit experiment mission overview
Characterizing a world within the hot-Neptune desert: Transit observations of LTT 9779 b with the Hubble Space Telescope/WFC3
Winds of stars and exoplanets
How has the solar wind evolved to become what it is today?
Effect of stellar flares and coronal mass ejections on the atmospheric escape from hot Jupiters
Double tail structure in escaping atmospheres of magnetised close-in planets
Near ultraviolet observations of WASP-189b with CUTE telescope
The magnetic field and multiple planets of the young dwarf AU Mic
The energetic particle environment of a GJ 436 b-like planet
Connecting solar and stellar flares/CMEs
The space weather around the exoplanet GJ 436b
Homogeneous search for helium in the atmosphere of 11 gas giant exoplanets with SPIRou
Misalignment of the outer disk of DK Tau and a first look at its magnetic field using spectropolarimetry
The space weather around the exoplanet GJ 436b
The evolution of atmospheric escape of highly irradiated gassy exoplanets
Galactic cosmic ray propagation through M dwarf planetary systems
The strong suppression of galactic cosmic rays reaching AU Mic b, c, and Prox Cen b
The impact of coronal mass ejections and flares on the atmosphere of the hot Jupiter HD189733b
