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The roles of morphology and environment on the star formation rate-stellar mass relation in COSMOS from 0 < z < 3.5
Euclid preparation XIV. The complete calibration of the color-redshift relation (C3R2) survey
The role of environment in galaxy evolution in the SERVS survey. I. Density maps and cluster candidates
VIS3COS. III. Environmental effects on the star formation histories of galaxies at z~0.8 seen in [O II], H, and D_n4000
Resolved Lyman-α properties of a luminous Lyman-break galaxy in a large ionized bubble at z = 6.53
Resolved Lyman-α properties of a luminous Lyman-break galaxy in a large ionised bubble at z = 6.53
VIS^3COS. II. Nature and nurture in galaxy structure and morphology
On the nature and physical conditions of the luminous Ly α emitter CR7 and its rest-frame UV components
Quenching or Bursting: The Role of Stellar Mass, Environment, and Specific Star Formation Rate to z ~ 1
The clustering of Hβ  + [O III] and [O II] emitters since z ∼ 5: dependencies with line luminosity and stellar mass
VIS3COS: I. Survey overview and the role of environment and stellar mass on star formation
The nature of luminous Ly α emitters at z ∼ 2-3: maximal dust-poor starbursts and highly ionizing AGN
CANDELS Multi-wavelength Catalogs: Source Identification and Photometry in the CANDELS COSMOS Survey Field
Cosmic Web of Galaxies in the COSMOS Field: Public Catalog and Different Quenching for Centrals and Satellites
Spectroscopic properties of luminous Ly α emitters at z ≈ 6-7 and comparison to the Lyman-break population
Evidence for PopIII-like Stellar Populations in the Most Luminous Lyman-α Emitters at the Epoch of Reionization: Spectroscopic Confirmation
Identification of the brightest Lyα emitters at z = 6.6: implications for the evolution of the luminosity function in the reionization era