Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Regulatory T Cell Depletion Using a CRISPR Fc-Optimized CD25 Antibody
Correction to: Multiscale imaging of therapeutic anti-PD-L1 antibody localization using molecularly defined imaging agents
Allosteric control of Ubp6 and the proteasome via a bidirectional switch
Preoperative misdiagnosis of pancreatic and periampullary cancer in patients undergoing pancreatoduodenectomy
Dual site-specific chemoenzymatic antibody fragment conjugation using CRISPR-based hybridoma engineering
Functional diversification of hybridoma-produced antibodies by CRISPR/HDR genomic engineering
Kinetic analysis of multistep USP7 mechanism shows critical role for target protein in activity
One-Step Chemical Synthesis of Native Met1-Linked Poly-Ubiquitin Chains
Development of Diubiquitin-Based FRET Probes To Quantify Ubiquitin Linkage Specificity of Deubiquitinating Enzymes